On January 2, I went in for my appointment at 9am. I was beyond nervous. The bleeding from the day before had stopped, thankfully, but I couldn't stop thinking about how much blood there was first thing yesterday morning. There was no way that I was still pregnant, I just knew it. And if I was, something had to be terribly wrong. All the positivity I had earlier yesterday, had gone out the window.
I got to my appointment early, I wanted to know what was going on. NOW. I was still sort of angry that I wasn't asked to come in yesterday. So many things could be going wrong, or could have gone wrong even yesterday. Was I not accurate enough in describing HOW MUCH blood I had lost?
I waited not-so-patiently for the nurse to call me back. I thought maybe I needed to have a full bladder for the ultrasound, so I had been drinking a lot of water that morning. I was ready for this to be over with, so I could start the mourning process and figure out how to tell the two sweetest men in the world that we'd have to try again.
Finally, the nurse called me back to the room and asked if I had an empty bladder. Wait, did she just say EMPTY? No, it was NOT empty. Apparently, though, it needed to be. Thank goodness! I went to the restroom, and then into my room and undressed per her instructions. This early, they do "internal ultrasounds" since the baby(ies) are so small.
After what seemed like forever, as the whole morning seemed to be crawling, the doctor came in to start the ultrasound. But first, he said something that confused me to death. Yesterday, when I had spoken to him on the phone I told him that I was 6 weeks, 4 days pregnant. My LMP (last menstrual period) was Nov. 16th. That made sense, I even checked it online! But he said, "It looks like you're really only 5 weeks, 6 days pregnant." What? I knew what my LMP was, this didn't make sense!
Because of the IVF, they didn't go based on the LMP apparently. They go based on the date of the embryo transfer and some other calculations that to this day, I still don't understand. Whatever, I thought, can we just get the ultrasound started? And so we did.
On came the tears, but not for the reason I thought I'd be crying today. TWINS!!!! Embryo "A" and Embryo "B" as the doctor referred to them. Two STRONG, healthy heartbeats. Then why had I been bleeding? That couldn't be normal. According to Dr. Hesla, the doctor on call that day, it was more normal in early pregnancy because it was twins. I felt SO much better. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I wouldn't have to tell E & S bad news today, but the BEST news they will have had so far this whole time. They were going to have TWINS. Two babies! I still couldn't get over seeing two babies on that ultrasound.
Both babies were measuring exactly 5 weeks and 6 days along, and he could see no cause for the bleeding. It was all "normal." They would do another ultrasound in about a week to confirm that the twins were growing at the right rate, but he was certain there was nothing to be worried about.
I couldn't wait to email E & S. I had the good news I needed, I was ready to leave the office and spread the word!
My email to E & S, once I could finally send it, was pretty long. I had to explain to them why I had gone in for an ultrasound earlier than scheduled. I made sure to emphasize that everything was ok, though, and that they were going to have two babies to play with in about 34 weeks!
Their response made all that anxiety worth it:
"we read your email this morning and we shed our tears, we are so pleased with this good news."
Two babies. Two heartbeats, twin siblings. It was definitely a moment for tears. Joyous ones.
Surprise Surrogate Reveal!
10 years ago
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