Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Decision

February 13, 2011:

As most people are thinking about love, lust, or loneliness today, the day before Valentine's Day, I was sitting at home thinking about doing something with my life. Love was the furthest thing from my mind as I had broken up with my fiance 5 months prior.

All I knew was that Peyton was and is my entire world. Without him, I'd be a lost puppy. Other than being his parent, what was I doing to better the world? What was I doing to help people? Opening new bank accounts for people, as much as I'd love to say it was, was not fulfilling enough.

I'd always flirted with the idea of being a surrogate, but never really knew what it entailed or if I was really even "qualified" to be one. So, I pulled out my laptop and brought up my favorite website: Google. Into the search field went "Surrogacy in Oregon."

If you were to do the same thing, you'd see that Oregon Surrogacy Center was the first thing to pop up. So, "click" goes the mouse and I'm reading all about what it takes to be a surrogate.

For those that aren't familiar, I will list those requirements here:

In order to be a surrogate, you must be:
  • physically and mentally healthy;
  • at least 21 years of age;
  • parenting your own child, with a history of healthy pregnancies;
  • willing to take medication by injection for several weeks;
  • a non-smoker;
  • willing to abstain from alcohol and drugs; and
  • not greater than 32 on the BMI scale.
Looked like I was qualified! Next step? Send in an "I'm Interested" form. "Why not?" I ask myself. Form filled out, check. To my excitement it said to expect a response within 24 hours. As soon as I hit send though, I was ready to hear something back and NOW. Mind you, it was a Sunday evening... but for those that know me, patience is something I lack. So, I waited...

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