November 9, 2011:
Journal entry:
"I officially started my hormone injections tonight! I met Carrie at ORM after work and she gave me my first injection of Lupron. This is the one I have to take EVERY day, but it is just a small injection in an insulin syringe. It seemed pretty easy, but Carrie gave me the first injection so we will see how things go after tonight! The girls say I'm now officially banned from their houses. They have been watching too much Private Practice and have seen how Addision reacted to the hormones."
This was REALLY, FINALLY happening. I received my calendar and all my medication from Carrie that day and she gave me my first injection just to show me how it was done. The other medications I will take are done exactly the same was as the Delestrogen was during my 'mock cycle' so she didn't really have to teach me that again. The Lupron was to be taken every night at the same time, and injected into my stomach. Pretty much like a diabetic taking insulin would do.
Along with my Lupron injections, I have to start taking a daily prenatal vitamin and a baby Aspirin (81mg). And for the next week and a half I am also on an antibiotic (Doxycycline) which I had taken before for the HSG procedure during the 'mock cycle'. I take that once in the morning and once at night. At this point, I'm still on birth control as well.
Here's a good picture of my daily routine:
Thankfully my calendar has little check boxes next to each thing I'm supposed to take or inject that day so that I can keep track. I can't believe all of the medication I am pumping into my body!
November 10, 2011:
Journal entry:
"I gave myself my first shot tonight. HOLY COW! That was so hard. It wasn't the actual shot that was difficult, just finding the courage to actually stab myself in the stomach with a needle. I applaud all those diabetics who have to do this all the time, I don't know how they do it."
As small as the needle was, and as little medication as I had to inject, I was scared beyond belief. One of my sisters was living with me at the time and she's more afraid of needles than I am. I may have 10 tattoos, but this was completely different. I didn't give those to myself!
After awhile of freaking out I finally just pinched up my skin and stabbed it. My biggest fear I think was putting the needle in too far, but it was done! Day two of calendar complete! Only about 30 days left until the tentative embryo transfer.
Surprise Surrogate Reveal!
10 years ago
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