Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spilling the beans

March 23, 2011:

Journal entry:

"I officially told Lorre and Penny, the two people I have been freaking out about telling. Then, I put it on Facebook. It's definitely official now, no taking it back!"

Telling everyone in my family, my friends, and the Facebook world definitely made it more official. No more secrets about where I was going or who E & S were. Little did I know that some of the people in my life wouldn't be as accepting of my decision, though.

As expected, most people had a TON of questions. As did I when I started the whole process. A lot of people still have a lot of questions even as far into the process as I am. It's COMPLICATED, to say the least. I'm happy to answer questions, and LOVE sharing my story. Hence the blog.

But there are those that don't accept what I'm doing... which I will cover later.

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